Friday, August 23, 2013


All day today I've been doing super clean edged flat colored UI elements for a game. I needed a break.

15 minutes later, this emerged.


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Work I forgot to throw on here!

SO I do a lot of doodling during my lunch breaks at work. Here's some stuff from the past few months I think I forgot to put on here...
some prohibition drinkers, reference from Ken Burns: Prohibition

 reference is a special forces soldier in afghanistan
 just a goon

bruins/blackhawks doodle

So yeah, I still draw sometimes, I swear!!!

Thursday, August 1, 2013


I'll always love Fjords and Freisians and Paints more, but Akhal-Tekes are insanely beautiful/strong horses. So I painted one. I think i'm more in love with the traditional Turkish bridles. Anyways, 20 minute speedpaint.