Monday, December 27, 2010

Post xmas update

an xmas card for a lovely lady i know :)
A monster I doodled in about ten minutes, sitting on the edge of a couch, killing time.
doodled this girl before i went to sleep. then...
i painted her.
and a hipster santa card for an awesome kid I know.

Hey y'all! A lot's happened since my last post. For instance:
I've got an up and running website with my domain name! it's the same thing, but easier to get to. Update your links, guys!

in other news... I haven't posted because I've been busy making xmas cards for some people. I included a couple on here, but for most I actually forgot to take pictures. I didn't make too many because I spent a lot of time on each one, and I only made them for people who asked.
But it was fun.

Expect another post here soon- I'm gonna do a series of native american portraits for a show in Rochester the first week of January. I just have to get around to doing it.

Hope everyone had a lovely stress free safe travel christmas!